Nagyon kevés időm van mostanában, de éjszaka azért nyugisabb órákban alkottam 3 angyal szárnyat:)
Fehér filc és kísérletezgetések.. az egyiken flitterek , a másikon tüll anyag- kissé minimalista felfogásban, a harmadikon "Shabby chic" stílusban gombok,
csipke és gyöngyök :)
Nektek melyik tetszik ?
Melyiket tennéd szívesen a fára ?
Very little time is now, but when everything becomes very quiet at night, I made three wings of an angel:)
White felt and experimentation .. one of them sequins, tulle material on the other side minimalista little conception of the third, "Shabby Chic" style keys lace and pearls:)
What you like?
Which one would you do like to the tree?
Very little time is now, but when everything becomes very quiet at night, I made three wings of an angel:)
White felt and experimentation .. one of them sequins, tulle material on the other side minimalista little conception of the third, "Shabby Chic" style keys lace and pearls:)
What you like?
Which one would you do like to the tree?
Szép napot ! by Szaszi
Csipke! Nekem a csipkés tetszik:)